

Our new book streaming site.

The current digital transformation has its perks! You can now stream our wonderful book and resource collections.

So no matter where you are, in a classroom or in your home bubble, you just need an Internet connection and a computer, tablet or phone to read and to listen to our books.

How it works!

It’s quite simple really, it’s À la carte!!!

Individual licenses – Tell us which collections you want to access and for how long (1 – 3 years) and we will send you a quote.

Institutional licenses – Tell us which collections you want to access and for how long (1 – 3 years), and for how many students. We will then send you a quote.

Then, we create your personal or institutional page, with login information and voilà!

Collections available!

For more information or if you would like to receive a quote, please contact us at: info@apprentissage.mb.ca or call us at 204-257-1407.